rjs Com. R.J.Sridharan 
 Homage to the departed leader 
 26.10.1948 -  15.6.2013


Circular No. 15/VIII/2024





To-day, eleven years have rolled over after the sparkling leader of the officers’ movement, Com. RJS become immortal by virtue of his qualities and conduct for the cause of the workers in general and officers in particular. He was one of the rare roses in the vast garden of two roses, who burnt his life to bring life to the TU movement in the Bank as well as in the Industry.

2. One of the outstanding contributions to the TU movement was his stubborn belief by way of his life to protect the TU in his own bank for which the bank had reduced his pension liability by Seven and half years. His precise presentation in the conference held during the testing times of the organization proved to be a turning point for the success and its existence today. History speaks for itself.

3. While it was Com. P.K. Menon, the founder General Secretary of AIBOA, gave the call for introduction of Pension in one form or other, Com. RJS, was instrumental to secure the benefit of the one more option for the Public Sector Banks workforce in 2010. The then General Secretary of AIBOC refused to participate in the talks held in the last week of December 2009 forcing the situation to form the All India Nationalised Bank Officers Federation (excluding AISBOF) due to initiative taken by Com. P.K. Sarkar, Union Bank and Com. K.S. Shetty of e-Syndicate bank along with Com. RJS, Com.
K.K.Nair (INBOC) and Com.Bapu Joshi (NOBO). The timely intervention and support extended by late Com. L.Balasubramanian of ( NUBE) led to the introduction of one more option to 3,30,000. The members who followed the organizational direction in the 1993 for opting for pension were relieved from the excessive contribution proposed by the IBA in 2010, purely and timely intervention Com. RJS based on the legal opinion of Late Com. C.R. Chandrasekar, TU leader turned Advocate.

4. The foot prints that he left on the sands of time would ever remain the inspiration for us to move forward and perpetuate the ideals for which he stood and all the good that he carried on during his life journey.

                                            COM.RJS AMAR RAHE
Yours Comradely,

Circular No.19/VIII/2023



Com. R.J. Sridharan, fondly called and remembered as Com. RJS, had become part of the history, along with other illustrious leaders of our movement. Rose to lead the movement of officers as President from the first All India Conference of AIBOA held at Mumbai in 1986, after the sudden demise of late Com. PrabhatKar in 1984 while returning back from Nizamabad to Hyderabad after inaugurating the e-SBH employees conference.

2. “ Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently “, the saying goes. During his stewardship of the organisation nearly for a quarter Century, Govt was directed by Supreme Court of India to draw detailed guidelines on the Termination of service under Officers’ Service Regulations which wasadopted by the Parliament. He was the one, who challenged the SBI dominated officers’ trade union, and got the benefit of one increment for the introduction of Computerisation in 1993. Late Com. P.K. Menon, founder General Secretary of AIBOA and Com. R.J.S were the pioneers of PENSION conceptualisation of PENSION and achieving the Cradle to grave , the nomenclature given by him.

3. Com. RJS was able to win the post promotional exercise of Compulsory Rural/semi urban service, which was a pre requisite for participation in the promotional exercise and directions to bank to draw a career path for specialist category officers, by Government of India in 1997.Subsidisation of the Interest for Agricultural loans up-to certain limit, was the decision of the CC held at Ernakulam
in the year 2000 which subsequently GOI accepted the same. It was the Silver
jubilee conference of AIBOA held at New Delhi, in the first quarter of 2006, decided to establish the Trust for Unorganised Sector besides call for regulated
working hours and 5 day week. He established a training Institute in the name of legendary leader Late Com. Tarakeswar Chakraborti in 2007 at Mahabalipuram.

The list of his contributions to the movement is long.

4. In his memory, AIBOA central Office is doing certain work to contribute to society. Last year, in June 2022, we had our office bearers meeting in SKUASTKashmir.

 As per the decision of the office bearers two students’ tuition fees is borne by AIBOA and first instalment of Rs.3 Lacs was handed over to the Vice

chancellor of the 6th ranked Agriculture university on 17.06.2022 by Com. Ashwani Pradhan Convenor AIBOA(J&K Ladakh Committee) and Com. Tasaddaq Madni, leader of AIJ&KBOF.

5. In our 8 th National Conference held at Chandigarh, Prof. Nasir A.Ganai, Vice Chancellor, SKAUST-K addressed as Chief Guest. We have handed over the cheque for Rs.9 lacs meeting out the tuition fees for two students for the remaining three years. On 15th May 2023, SKUAST -K conducted the first Alumni meet, in which there was special invitation to our organisation AIBOA and also to AIBOA ( J&K Ladakh Committee) and AIJ&KOF representatives. In the function held the scholarships were handed over to the UG and PG Students and there were repeated mention about our suggestion to create an endowment fund for thestudents’ benefits.

6. Com. RJS was more concerned with the upliftment of the society. To perpetuate his memory, AIBOA make takes a baby step every year. More than AIBOA, it is AIBOA KERALA STATE COMMITTEE meticulously commemorate his memory in many forms.In the words of Peter Drucker.In every success story you find someone who made a courageous decision“ the man who stood taller was Com. RJS.


Yours Comradely,


9th RemembranceDa

<8th Remembrance Day>

Circular No.12/VII/2021

June 15, 2021







Eight long years have rolled down, after the trade union movement lost the ever -smiling leader Com.RJS. During the three decades of leadership right from 1983 till his last breadth on 15th June 2013, strengthening the officers� movement from Canara Bank officers� Union to the National level, his contribution was undoubtedly remarkable and immeasurable. His personal contribution to preserve the status of Canara Bank Employees Union, led by late Com. C.S, was another milestone of his achievements.

2        The sudden demise of the Founder President of our Organization, Com Prabhat Kar on 27th November 1984 and to fill the captaincy of AIBOA, the task was entrusted to him in Mumbai Conference in 1986. When certain negative service conditions were incorporated by the then leadership of AIBOC in the joint note, he was the one, who took the bold step, to challenge the provisions in the High Court of Hyderabad and preferred to remain aloof from the signing exercise with IBA.  It was Com. P.K.Menon and Com. RJS were the first to echo the voice for introduction of Pension to Banking fraternity collectively. When attacks were mounted by others, he was one who was able to thwart the attempts in a straight manner. Minutes of meetings held with IBA on Pension issue were presented before the members with a transparent approach.  Alongside, he took up the computerization increment issue and gave a strike call.  IBA, did concede

the demand of AIBOA and handed over the letter conceding the demand raised, at Standard Chartered Bank Union office at New Delhi.  His brilliant presentation in the seminar opposing the Reform Policy of the Government at the Centre at Delhi, was another addition to his clarity on the Issue. The capacity to intervene and bring an acceptable solution with all concerned was demonstrated in the matter of redeployment policy in the year 2004 paving way for the settlement 0n 02.06.2005. Forming a coordinating body of Non-SBI officers in 2009, was a turning point in the matter one more option for pension in 2010. He was one who emphatically expressed the impact of technology as early as 2000 itself.  The seed was sown in Feb 2006 on Regulated working Hours and Five days in our Silver Jubilee conference at Delhi. We realized after 9 years partially. He was one who reiterated the necessity to develop good managers as a knowledge workers, thus the birth of Tarak Institute of Banking and Trade Union Research in 2007.

3.         He had the passion for the commoners in the society. CBOU had installed water pumps in drought affected districts in Orissa. It blossomed into establishing the TRUST FOR UNORGANISED in 2007. This year also, two school going children of a skilled unemployment worker(lost the job in the first wave of COVID 19) were provided financial help to enable them to continue their education in the School.

4.         Our Kerala State Committee last year provided medical accessories to treat COVID patients to Calicut Medial College Hospital, worth about Rs 13 lacs. Every Officer comrade, for the noble work of social identification, on the 7th Remembrance day (15.06.2020), contributed to accomplish the task.

5        This year also, they have taken upon the task of mobilizing the collection of nearly Rs 11 lacs to provide the essentials to treat the patients in Government run medical Centre/hospital in five districts of KERALA viz: Thiruvananthapuram, Alappuzha, Malappuram, Kannur and Kollam. The State Committee organized the Virtual meeting on 13th June 2021, participated by nearly 150 members. Ms.Aditi Venkateshswaran delivered a speech on WORK-LIFE BALANCE for forty minutes. It was one of best presentation on strains of joblessness and how to get over the pains of depleting savings of an performing artist. Well done TEAM AIBOA KERALA.

6.         AIBOA Central office has conveyed the decision of financial help to meet out the deficit to accomplish this noble task on his 8th remembrance day.


Yours comradely,




Com RJS 8th Remb.day

Com RJS 8th Remb.day

Com RJS 8th Remb.day

Com RJS 8th Remb.day


<  7th Remembrance Day >

Circular No.9/VII/2020
June 15, 2020

All Units / State Committees




Eighty four months have rolled down. Com.RJS became immortal in the galaxies of the founding leaders of the banking trade union on 15th June 2013. His contributions to the banking trade union movement were immeasurable. 

2. During his 43 years of service to the TU movement, he was baptised at the altar of the trade union by none other than late Com.CS, the household name in Canara Bank Employees� Union and also in the Cooperative Bank movement too in the State of Tamil Nadu. Rose from a humble beginning as a Branch Representative in Canara Bank Employees Union to the National level as President for 6 years, as the General Secretary of AIBOA for 19years, and Chairman of our Organisation for two years in addition to his additional responsibilities in the Canara Bank Officers� union. The quality of lending shoulders to other functionaries to share the responsibilities of retaining the Trade union functioning was remarkable and yet to be witnessed. His long stint of leave on loss pay to save the Employees Union in Canara Bank, in crisis time, today stands as an example for others. This daring decision also forced the Canara Bank management to severe his employment from the bank. Elders in the Trade union at that time took steps to halt the attack against him. He was the one who could see the emerging dangers due to unrestricted technology allowed to be implemented without any resistance. 

3. He added glory to our movement by articulating strong views on men and matters. The first claim for the introduction of Pension in one form or other demanded by late Com.P.K. Menon founder General Secretary AIBOA (14.02.1981) pursued vigorously without any hesitation or vacillation by Com.RJS steadfastly. Regulated working hours and five-day week demand to be taken forward from the Silver Jubilee conference in Delhi 2006, led to realise partially in 2015 for the entire banking workforce. He was the architect of the TARAK INSTITUTE OF BANKING AND TRADE UNION RESEARCH established in the year 2007 and established a trust for the Unorganised Sector. Silently he extended help to some of the leading lights of the working-class movement. He was soft-spoken, amiable and also act with sharp and quick wits. To state in a nutshell, he was a social reformer with an indomitable will to perform.

4. From the Central office of our organisation, usually, we do social identification programmes in a small measure. This year due to COVID 19, it is delayed because of restrictions on our travel etc.


The members of our organisation working in the State Kerala, as per State Committee call to help the COVID 19 situation, contributed a sum of Rs.1300000 for purchase of 4 ICU monitors and ancillary instruments to be installed in the 4 ICU wards in Calicut Medical College in the memory of Com.RJS. Team AIBOA records its deep appreciation of their commitments to the society and its helping nature in the time of need.

Aptly to quote from Shri.M.K.Gandhi, the father of the Nation:


                                        MAN BECOMES great exactly IN THE DEGREE IN WHICH HE WORKS 
                                                      FOR THE WELFARE OF THE FELLOW MEN (1930} 
                                                                  Com.RJS Amar Rahe.        All glory to Com.RJS

Yours Comradely,


<  6th Remembrance Day >

RJS 6th remembrance day

      VELA SCHOOL FOR SPECIAL CHILDREN, Mundiambakkam, Near Thindivanam

15.06.2019. Another important milestone in the history of Vela Special Schools.Yes to meet the urgent needs of the special children AIBOA constructed and donated an overhead reservoirtank with a bore well with a depth of 442 ft at a cost of Rs.3.44 lakhs on the eve of 6th Rememberanc Day of Com.RJS, Chairman, AIBOA

Besides, for the use of those children who are staying in Sankara Hall 5 toilets and 3 bathrooms were also dedidicated.

During power cuts when the children eat and when they sleep a High Power Invertor was also dedicated by them.

Shri Nagarajan, Gen.Secretary AIBOA also invited Our children for four days each year to come and stay at their guesthouse in Mahabalipuram. General Secretary Sriman. 
S. Nagarajan along with the Office bearers and well wishers were present.

We immensely thank the Bank Officers Association for their good gesture whichi will be remembered by us and our children for years to come. Vela school for special children is also grateful to our donor Sriman M S Raghuraman.

-  Report by the school correspondent


                                                                                <  5th Remembrance Day 




<  4th Remembrance Day >

Circular Letter No. 7/VII/2017
June 20, 2017


ALL AFFILIATED UNITS / STATE COMMITTEES                                                                  

Dear Comrades,



AIBOA, an organisation of distinct approach, made its mark in the onward march of the officers� Organisations on 15th of this month, the 4th remembrance day of Com.RJS. All roads led to the school, which is run by people who have concern for the society and also to provide the education to the children in its own humble way, New Century Welfare Society.( NCWS).

The Remembrance Day dedication programme commenced in the School at 10.15 hrs. The dignitaries present on the dais were: Com.A.N.Suresh, President, AIBOA, Dr.Victor Louis Anthuwan, Hon� Principal of TIBTUR, Com.C.H.Venkatachalam General Secretary, AIBEA, Shri.N.V. Subramaniam, Branch Manager of SVC Bank Ltd., representative of SVC Bank Board, Com.D.Pandian, former M.P, Dr.Harshvardhan President NCWS, Com.Saravanan,Treasurer, NCWS, Smt. G B Rani, Correspondent of the School, Com. G.Gunasekaran, Treasurer, AIBOA, Com. M.A.Srinivasan, DGS  AIBOA, Com.D.S. Ganesan, Secretary, AIBOA besides the undersigned.

The members of the State Committee AIBOA, Tamil Nadu and the veterans from CBRF were also present and graced the occasion.

The programme commenced with the prayer song followed by the sapling of the trees in the school by the dignatories Com.A.N.Suresh, Dr.Victor Louis Anthuwan, Com.C.H.Venkatachalam, Shri,N.V.Subramaniam, Com.D.Pandian, and Com.Saravanan. The proceedings of the day were conducted by Com.A.N.Suresh, President AIBOA. The dignitaries were offered the traditional towels and books Published by NCBH.  Mrs.Madhana Sridharan wife of Com RJS was also present in the meeting and was also honoured.

Dr.Victor Louis Authuwan, in his simple presentation to the school kids, traced the life history of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and the need to add knowledge through the new technics available which enabled the society to be brought under the new concept of Global village. Com.C.H.Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA, in his precise presentation recalled the contribution of Com.RJS  and also the noble attempt made by AIBOA on the remembrance day, Mr.N.V.Subramanaiam, SVC Bank lauded the step taken by AIBOA with the help of their bank, to contribute to the society, Dr.Harshvardhan, President of the society in his encouraging speech appealed to the kids to put in sincere efforts to become a good citizen with knowledge. The concluding words of wisdom were from Com.D.Pandian, a long associate of late com.RJS. The handing over the key of Computer training Centre was handed over to the Society -Dr.Harshvardhan, Com.D.Pandian, and Com.Saravanan by Dr.Victor Louis Anthuwan and Com.C.H.Venkatachalam. After the handing over the keys, the computer training centre, having 14 desktops with fine ambience for kids to learn was declared open by Dr.Victor Louis Anthuwan in the presence of Com.C.H.Venkatachalam and other participants.

The function came to the conclusion by presenting the mementoes to SVC Bank representative Mr.N.V.Subramaniam by Com.A.N.Suresh & Com. A.B. Kasture Rengan  and to the School correspondent Smt.G B Rani  by Com.G.Gunasekaran, Treasurer AIBOA. The school children numbering around 550 were fed with quality food by the AIBOA Tamilnadu State Committee. Thus, the 4th remembrance day of Com.RJS is another milestone in building awareness to add knowledge to the future generation of our nation.

Yours comradely,




Circular No.10:VI:2013



                        ……    LIGHT HOUSE OF AIBOA GOES OFF

                        ……    COM R J SRIDHARAN (RJS) PASSES INTO HISTORY

With profound grief and sorrow we convey the sad news of the demise of our beloved leader, Com R J Sridharan, Chairman of AIBOA at about 12.30 noon today at a city hospital in Chennai. He was admitted for check up on 22nd April 2013 and was recovering well. But sudden deterioration of the functioning of various organs this afternoon ended his life. He leaves behind his octogenarian mother, his beloved wife, son & daughter.

Born on 26th October 1948, he joined Canara Bank as Clerk at Madurai on 21st    July 1969. He evinced serious and sincere interest in Trade Union way of life within a year of his joining the Bank. He was elected as Branch Secretary of Canara Bank Employees Union in 1970 itself and when he was transferred to Chennai City ( T C Street branch), he continued his determination to be very active in Chennai, the citadel of CBEU. Amidst the galaxy of tall leaders & stalwarts like Com C S, Com KRN he grew steadily playing useful roles. He became the Zonal Secretary of CBEU under the aegis of the dynamic and  charismatic leader Com C S. 

In the foundation conference of AIBOA held at Nagpur on 14th Feb 1981, Com RJS was elected as one of the Assistant Secretaries. During the Mumbai conference of AIBOA held in Jun 1986, Com RJS was unanimously elected as President at a very young age of 37 when the then General Secretary Com P K Menon was 60 years old. He was elected as the General Secretary of AIBOA in the Chennai conference held in July 1991, in which position he continued till laying down the office again at the same venue during the 6th Conference held in Dec 2011 when he was elected as the Chairman of AIBOA.

But the sagacity that Com RJS personified enabled a fine discharge of the role at a crucial juncture like entering the Bilateral table and ensuring the views and voice of AIBOA got recognized from everyone, from the great & tall leaders like Com Tarak, Com Chadda, Com Menon, AIBEA and Management’s representatives at IBA level.

Com RJS has taken the AIBOA to this great stature by his organizational ability. Oratorical skill, negotiating acumen, prolific writing and his capacity to convince even adversaries through his matured way of handling of even things which were hard to get through.

Com RJS, who has strolled as a Gentle colossus in the last over 30 years among Bank Employees & Officers in the country, had never hesitated to play the role expected of him. Undeterred by his fragile health – with congenital heart valve disfunction – he moved dauntlessly throughout the country organizing units under AIBOA.

If Com P K Menon could be credited with the thought of ushering in introduction of pension in the industry in 1989 itself, Com RJS, tirelessly, ceaselessly & relentlessly campaigned alongwith Com Tarakda and ultimately achieved implementation of Pension  for bankmen in 1993. Com RJS was always a man looked upon to offer solution for several crisis that had occurred in wage negotiations and he came out every time with grand ideas. Thus Com RJS was path finder, pace setter and clincher of the difficult issues.

The last decade of Com RJS’s life was full of ambition to achieve all the issues that one wanted. While the first one was foreseeing the monstrous & dreaded outsourcing which he rightly felt would be a disastrous job killer. He ensured that the AIBOA conference in Delhi in 2006 gave a clarion call to bank men to carry on the struggle. In the same conference, Com RJS was instrumental in AIBOA declaring that bank officer’s should have regulated working hours.

 The compassion, concern, conviction and commitment that Com RJS had, to work to lift the under privileged, underdogs, have-nots and weaker sections of the society was eventually manifested in all his words & deeds in the last 30 years. Com RJS ensured the Unorganized Sector Welfare Relief Fund that AIBOA started created a thrust and co-ordinated the benevolence in a humble way. What governments, NGOs and bigger Trade Unions of even CTUs could not even imagine this, Com RJS implemented it. This has given AIBOA edifice a big momentum.

To enable the bank Officers to equip themselves to handle the new banking practices, his dream project of establishment of Tarak Institute of banking and Trade Union Research was established in the year 2007 at Mamallapuram.

Revival of our house magazine “Two Roses” which Com RJS had started in 1990 was another issue that was working in his mind. He saw to it that the resumption of application started on 14th feb 2013, the foundation day of AIBOA.

Com RJS wanted the AIBEA/AIBOA co-ordination to function in full throat to ensure both the organization achieved what they have been campaigning and carrying on struggle. He was emphatic that none can cut the umbilical cord of AIBEA & AIBOA. He used to say “Unity in action, Unique in thought and uncompromising in ideals that both organisations personified” should take us forward. Com RJS ‘s candid, transparent and without mincing words that both organizations should practice mutual trust, confidence and respect taking into account the dimensions and the direction we have to navigate cruising smoothly to anchor in our destined place.

Com.RJS has to be remembered by a million family of Pensioners who have retired and those who are in service now through his path finding role in 1993-1995 Pension campaign against the short sighted  organisations JACKAL like activities and achieving it  then and again in 2009-10 when one more option for pension was in the brink of precipice,  it was Com.RJS’s game changer role that retrieved the whole issue thus benefiting  330000 workmen and officer employees

Comrades a vivid vacuum created with Com.RJS passing away at a crucial time when we needed  most and when there is a big gulf in the leadership at the helm in negotiation with IBA and the latter assuring  a demon like proposition and trying to impose all those that Com.RJS opposed and ensured are not implemented in his life time.

Com.RJS’s speeches of last three decades would always reverberate in our ears for ever and his ever smiling face will be greenly reminisced for memory more decades giving us strength, courage, support, inspiration and motivation which he used to always show inplenty when he was alive.

Comrades!  The best way to perpetuate the memory of the greatest leader of all times we have been is only to work stead fastly in the path shown to us by Com.RJS and work with unflinching loyalty and unbridled unity to achieve the unfinished tasks.

Comrades!  Man is mortal and none can  claim to be immortal in this world.   Com.RJS’s  mortal remains might have been consigned to flames but his contribution to the Country, Society, Industry, Banks and Bankmen – Employees and Officers shall always remain immortal.  In a world where even a small men portray themselves in a larger than lifestyle Com.RJS was humble and simple.  Com.RJS is one who willz live beyond death and hence “O death be not proud that you consumed the life of Com.RJS”.

Com.RJS in his 43 years of Trade Union life has transgressed some patterns deserved to be so sometimes, transcended all barriers with his broad shoulders to accommodate all many a times but he traversed a path which Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda to lead the path unswervingly, unmindfully of what others say if you believe you are right.



Yours comradely,





rjs amarrahe

 Ø  Born 26th October 1948 in a small village Sikkalnaikenpettai near Thirupananthal in then Thanjavur District Tamilnadu as the son of late Shri R.S.Jagannathan andSmt.R.Jayalakshmi.

Ø  Graduated from St.Joseph’s College, Tiruchy

Ø  After a brief stint in a private company, he joined Canara Bank as a clerk in the year 1969

Ø  He was elected as Branch Secretary of Canara Bank Employees' Union in 1970

Ø  He was nominated as Zonal Secretary of the Canara Bank Employees’ Union

Ø  He was promoted in the year 1976 – After serving in the north and upcountry branches in Tamilnadu he returned to Chennai in 1981

Ø  With formation of AIBOA, by the conscious decision of AIBEA, at the young age of 38 was elected as President of AIBOA in the year 1986

Ø  In the year 1991 he was elected as General Secretary of AIBOA and he was elected as Chairman of AIBOA in the year 2011.   Chief of the Negotiating Team of AIBOA for Bank Officers since 1991.

Ø  He was also elected as Founder General Secretary of Canara Bank Officers’ Union in which position he excelled till the year 2006.  Today he is the Chairman of Canara Bank Officers’ Union

Ø  His love for the ordinary worker and his concern for promoting their interest is ever obvious.

Ø  It is the fort of Com.RJS that he is one step ahead of others in thought and in action. He is a true trail blazer.  The pension issue is a case in point.  He was one of the pioneers in realizing the demand for pension to the bank employees.

Ø  Com.RJS was instrumental in launching “Com.CS & Com.KRN Memorial Community Medical Clinic promoted by Canara Bank Officers’ Union at Kovaipudur, Coimbatore in 2001.

Ø  He has got broader vision and visualized that an institution established on professional lines alone would fill the gap and thus the dream project of Com.Tarak Institute of Banking & Trade Union Research at Mamallapuram near Chennai by AIBOA.

Ø  The army of unorganized sector workers remains in large with little or no service conditions.  The trade union movement has not made much of an impact in their way of life.  They need all the care and concern of fraternally organized trade unions.  True to the spirit, under the aegis of AIBOA, Com.RJS proposed creation of Trust exclusively for the welfare of the unorganized workers by funding them.

Ø  The benign nature has bestowed Com.RJS with many faculties other than health.  But it is to the credit that his commitment never allowed his physical discomfiture to come in the way of discharging his organizational obligations.

Ø  The courage and the conviction, the commitment and the approach of Com.RJS in resolving issues will continue to inspire us in carrying forward the joint movement.